Wednesday, October 8, 2008

I walked with you once apon a dream...

Magic Kingdom was wonderful today. Hot but magical non the less. Today was the first time that I saw the entire Dreams Come True parade. It was lovely. MINUS the whole Walt Disney who looked nothing like Walt Disney. What are kids supposed to think? Walt came back to life? I mean the Charactors there are why is Walt fake..hmmmm? Thats not up for discussion at the moment. So I was told that Hanson..yes as in mmmbop for those of you who don't listen (or refuse to listen) to their amazingly great music now...Was in the park today. My friend Amanda got to load them on the tea cups! How awesome would that be. I have never seen these guys in person. BUT I will tomorrow. Heck yes for HANSON TOMORROW NIGHT! I am effing excited. Anywho. I met 3 princesses and Peter Pan today. Peter looked oddly like Zac Efron in tights. So we decided it was Zac Efrons disguise. Laura said she was tempted to sing "We're all in this together" and see if he started tapping his toe or something. There was an amazing lightning storm and it looked like the strikes were going behind the castle. It was crazy beautiful. Thats a Hanson song..haha ANYWAYS.

So Um..I ate Cici's for dinner. I am still stuffed. YUM

The end.

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